Friday, February 09, 2007

The future of online is not network TV Google warns

If you thought the future of the web was TV, you would be mistaken as Google issued a warning to companies that think they can broadcast distribute network TV shows and films globally.

The search engine giant warned that the internet should not be used for TV and that services like its own YouTube, which acquired it last year for $1.65bn, and newer arrivals such as Joost will bring the internet to its knees. Google said that was already investing heavily just to keep data flowing.

Many have talked of the internet in some instances replacing TV with its own online shows and content, but Google said that it simply does not "scale".

The company instead said it would work together with cable operators to combine its technology for searching for video and TV footage and its tailored advertising with the cable networks high-quality delivery of shows.

Source: Brand Republic



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