Friday, October 27, 2006

The First YouTube Video + YouTubers Mashup!

Here's the first video that was uploaded to YouTube. This is one of the company's three founders Jawed Karim, currently a grad student at Stanford.

Yes, this is how a $1.65 billion company got started.

read more about this story here

This next video, appropriately entitled "YouTubers" is utterly captivating, and speaks volumes to what's happening in the CGM2 (consumer-generated multi-media) space.

It's raw and edgy, but worth all nine minutes. To the cultural anthropologists out there, please take out your notebooks!


Latest News: Google will not tolerate copyright breach by YouTube.

Search giant Google says it will stamp out any copyright violations when it takes over video-sharing network YouTube later this year, following its $1.65bn acquisiton of the social media website.

...more at Brand Republic



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