Monday, March 20, 2006

The BBC's Planet Earth in HD

The BBC's 'Planet Earth' natural history series is currently showing on a Sunday night schedule and netted a peak audience of 8.9m on it's first night.

The series is set to net the corporation over £20m from DVD sales and overseas network deals when it is released towards the end of the year.

The executive producer Alistair Fothergill, claims it features some of the most advanced camera techniques ever used, it is also expected to become the first BBC production to appear in the High-Definition DVD format.

Read more: Brand Republic & Hollywood Reporter

Vanessa Berlowitz and David Baille from the BBC report from HMS Endurance during filming:

BBC Film Crew Feature

BBC – Aerial Filming with HMS Endurance

Click here – to see a film of 434 helicopter with the Gyron camera


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